Brian Smith Memorial 3 Person Golf Scramble – The Fountains Golf Club
Our Golf Outing will be held Friday, October 7, 2016 at The Fountains Golf Club. Three-person teams are forming now. We have twenty-three teams currently registered. That means we only need 13 more to reach our sell out capacity of 36 teams! Please fill out a Team Entry Form to register your team. Hole Sponsorships will be available for $100 and will include a sponsorship sign at your sponsored holes tee box. After the golf, there will be a raffle during the dinner.
We currently have 11 hole sponsors including:
- Todd Fox for District Judge;
- Spartan Seal Coating;
- Glenn & Becky Behler;
- Zack Behler.
There are still 7 holes that need sponsoring so if you know of anyone interested please spread the word!!
Items in our raffle will include:
- Two sets of four tickets to the Detroit Redwings (donated by _____);
- Free oil changes and auto detailing (donated by Miller’s Garage in Waterford);
- Foursome of golf with a cart at Radrick Hills (donated by the University of Michigan);
- Official autographed Danny DeKeyser hockey puck (donated by the Detroit Redwings);
- New television (donated by BestBuy in ______).
Special thanks to all our sponsors!
Contact Chuck Nelson at cnelson316@msn.com to register your three-person team for $240 (plus $20 for skins) or reserve your spot for $80 now. Lunch and dinner will be provided.
Prizes will include: closest to the pin, longest drive, best team uniform, best bearded team, and best team score.
We are also accepting cash and prize donations to be included in our raffle.
All golfers of all skill levels are invited to join us for this awesome event.
Not a golfer? Dinner only is $30 per person and you can participate in the raffle!
Click Here to download the Registration Packet and Sponsorship Form